Just in case you have any trouble keeping the flavors of the Mac OS X operating system straight, here's a little more confusion. The major flavors have been represented by the numbering scheme 10.y(.z) and a name. I'm adding my own name to the confusion.
10.0 - Cheetah - Fast Kitty
10.1 - Puma - Brown Kitty
10.2 - Jaguar - Expensive Kitty
10.3 - Panther - Black Kitty
10.4 - Tiger - Stripped Kitty*
10.5 - Leopard - Spotted Kitty
10.6 - Snow Leopard - White Kitty
10.7 - Lion - Hairy Kitty
10.8 - Mountain Lion - Hill Kitty
10.9 - Mavericks - Notta Kitty
10.10 - Yosemite - A Big Rock (at least that's how it runs on my MacBook)